Is not everything achieved in the area of Electronic Data Processing (EDP) ?
Whatever for yet muse about or study or FANTASISE ?
How about genuine innovation ?
"Fantasy is way more important than knowledge because knowledge is limited."
(Albert Einstein)
In principle, everything necessary can be created by today's programming techniques. But this counts for machine code or assembly language as well! Nevertheless high-level languages like Pascal/Delphi, C/C++ or Java have gained acceptance. With CYBOP, there is now the possibility to further reduce complexity and reach flexibility as well as SIMPLIFICATION.
"Simplicity is the result of maturity."
(Friedrich Schiller)
Innovations from basic research on software engineering as well as permanent optimisation and ORDERING have after a twenty-year development resulted in CYBOP. Now it is ready for use. Despite its sobriety, its language is not limited to special business areas (NO Domain Specific Language, DSL), but suitable for many application purposes (General Purpose Language, GPL).
"It belongs to the wise man to order."
(Thomas Aquinas)
Server-side generation of web content from different sources
Preparation or filtering of arbitrary data for transformation or presentation
Seamless data exchange between file, screen, devices
Human Thinking uses three fundamental kinds of abstraction to capture reality:
Tree structures are ideal to represent concepts following these principles.
Today's programming languages use them, too. But not consequently, which is why the same data structures have to be built again and again. CYBOP on the other hand uses a uniform schema for data storage that serves as universal container for state values as well as functions and moreover permits communication over channels using simple tree paths.