My name is Dr.-Ing. Christian Heller. I have a degree in electrical/automation engineering, a PhD in computer science and am a passionate programmer.
The fascinating thing about programming to me is not counting zeros and ones but rather the great variety of tasks touching most different application areas, the modelling of concepts and large business frameworks, creativity in designing graphical user interfaces, the interaction when communicating among computers or with humans.
Steps that have led me to where I am now were first trials in BASIC on the Commodore 64 (C64) home computer as well as the East-German Kleincomputer (KC). Pascal and Delphi under Windows at University. Applications like Office and Image Processing. Later UNIX, SUSE and Debian GNU/Linux. Web development. C/C++ and Java plus XML. Modelling and CASE tools using UML. Software patterns, frameworks and class libraries. A somewhat broad spectrum.
Following my study at the Technical University of Ilmenau in Thuringia, Germany, with one year as visiting student in Sussex, England, I got to know most of these technologies over the years in several projects at companies of software industry. My last occupation was teaching computer science as professor at university, for 14 years in the city of Leipzig.
Now that I am realising my vision called CYBOP and bring it to the market. The corresponding ideas originate from my dissertation work written in the area of basic research in software engineering and have been further developed continuously since.
While CYBOP is running and offers an acceptable range of functions, there is great potential yet to be realised, for which I am looking for pilot projects and customers. Do not hesitate to contact me for further details, a discussion or presentation!
Furthermore, I welcome partners or supporters ("business angel") or investors.