The enterprise aims at delivering and utilising efficient technologies to drastically simplify software development for customers and shorten development time. As a result, there will be long-life, future-proof, flexible applications with focus on domain knowledge. Specialists and analysers will be able to create concepts that serve as source code and get executed directly as programme. In some places this is called no-code or low-code development.
The foundation for this new kind of programming is called Cybernetics Oriented Programming (CYBOP). Its technology is based on a simple tree structure (hierarchy), which makes it possible to considerably reduce complexity.
Other than common no-code platforms, CYBOP does not only encapsulate the functionality of classical programming languages, but due to its internal tree structure for all purposes offers a drastically simplified architecture. This is not unlike web development with the difference that the tree structure is applied to other user interfaces as well, and to all kinds of data and functions or algorithms.
The DNA of all human beings has a double helix as its framework. And yet we humans are different because the content (arrangement of the base pairs) is different.
For programming, CYBOP offers exactly the same: One framework (schema, container) for all applications. Only the knowledge contained differs.
What are today's programs doing about it? For each new application there is always a new framework (scaffold, domain model) built. What madness!
Let us talk about the one perceived disadvantage when using CYBOP: You will not be able to write the shortest possible "Hello World!" in it. But this is not the primary task of a general purpose programming language anyway.
It is due to its uniform and universal schema which always requires the same columns for each variable or operation used. Remember the advantages which outweigh by far!
Common software applications do model their domain knowledge in form of complex class frameworks whose memory objects at programme runtime have the same structure. Even small changes due to new customer requirements may cause tremendous effort since often, the application has to be compiled again. Sometimes, bigger architectural changes are inevitable (fragile base class problem).
By contrast, the CYBOP schema remains as stable storage structure, independent of which kind of tree-like domain data are being processed.
Design patterns belong to the basic repertoire of an experienced software developer. The Model View Controller (MVC) pattern, for instance, provides a concept for communicating with Graphical User Interfaces (GUI). Quite often, more than just one channel is to be served (frontend, backend, client-server), for which different patterns are applied. The frequently used layered architecture brings with it numerous dependencies.
The CYBOP approach generalises design principles of this kind in its CYBOI interpreter, so that translations between arbitrary parts of the CYBOL application tree are possible on the basis of simple dot notation.